Project in Brief

I negotiated for a year to help win permission to publish this press release.
This was the first time Wincor Nixdorf's global history that they were able to publicize their work for Standard Chartered.

Standard Chartered Bank adopts Wincor Nixdorf innovative self-service ATMs, cash deposits systems and software in Hong Kong

Standard Chartered Bank has adopted an integrated IT banking solution from Wincor Nixdorf that includes hardware and software in Hong Kong.

The bank has deployed 94 ProCash 3000 intelligent deposit systems for banknotes, as well as 156 ProCash 1500xe and 22 ProCash 2050xe cash dispensers. The entire rollout will be completed in March 2010.

Wincor Nixdorf's ProView software will remotely monitor the systems in the territory. Previously, the bank relied on its own ATMs and cash deposit systems to send error messages to its mainframe server if there were repair issues. Now with Wincor Nixdorf's ProView software, the bank will have real-time access to status updates on the operating state of each device down to the component level (e.g. card reader, journal printer, dispenser).

The bank will be able to easily perform remote diagnostics and carry out repairs via electronic access from a central location to limit downtimes and minimize site visits by technicians.

"Since the mass roll-out of its terminals, Standard Chartered Bank has consistently maintained network availability above 99%," said S.Y. Cheng, General Manager of banking at Wincor Nixdorf in Hong Kong.

"Our ProView solution will continue to help Standard Chartered Bank enjoy significant cost savings and increases the overall profitability of their self-service network," he added.


Download the original press release about Standard Chartered